PLEASE NOTE:We will be out of office for the month of December.



    The Boyz - Bloom Bloom -2nd Single Album

    Kindly note that the price listed is for a single unit of an album, unless denoted with the word "[SET]"

      current_date: 1736751234
      variant: Default Title
      inventory: 0

    Product Description

    - CD(Random Ver / 165 x 165 x 21mm)

    - Booklet(HEART Ver / 88p)

    - Photocard(HEART Ver / Random 1 out of 12)

    - Pop-Up Card(HEART Ver)

    - Name Sticker(HEART Ver)

    - Photo Letter(HEART Ver / Random 1 out of 12)

    - Polaroid(※The Polaroid is given out to random pre-order buyers, due to limited quantity. ※)