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    Qute and Quirky Store Promotions

    For the month of May 2021, Qute and Quirky will be hosting a Special Poster Special.

    For the price of one poster, normally priced at R100 each...we are offering not one...not two but THREE posters.
    So for R100, you'll be able to purchase 3 posters.
    Basically, buy 3 and get 2 free~~

    • 0 min read
    This year, we are joining the Treevolution.
    We are aiming to sponsor the planting of 28 additional trees and will be selling Tony Moly hand creams (peach or apple scents) to do so.
    All proceeds from the sale of the hand creams will be donated to Greenpop for the planting of trees. 
    • 0 min read